About me

Born in Belgium from French parents in Mons in 1972. A four decades old franco-belgium emigrant geek.

More detailed, CV like, informations can be found here (french), also long and short english pdf version can be downloaded.

This is me

My father is a geologist, my mother was an artist (drawings and potery) and my stepmother is a former social worker. Both my mother and stepmother where involved in social and women rights movements.

I cooked in a technico-socio-creative stew with a lot of taste ! And I’m now father of two boys.

Teenager, I played bass in a band for 6 years, we made one album and 6 concerts :-).

After my studies (Bachelor in Analyst Programer), I become freelance in C/C++ develoment.

Twelve years later, wanting someting else than financial business, I decide to become photographer. I made a year of internetship in a Brusells photo agency Reporters. Then become freelance photographer for five years. I did works for newspapers, bands, musicians and actrices/actors, Belgium TVs (RTBF, RTL), photo retouching…

But, I miss coding a lot, and decided to find a better balance between my creative aspirations and my technological background.

I found Alterface, a company that build interactive rides for Theme Parks, and start working there in 2009. With Alterface in developed 2D games using a internal 2D realtime game engine (Salto), based on XML. I also took part on development of the interactive system. I also worked for R&D team, Lab Team. I make a lot of abroad ride installation and had the opportunity to use different technologies (C/C++, C#, WPF/WinForm, Unity 3D, node.js, Beckhoff) and expect for more.

Now working, for Apiquiet, developing tools to help nurses taking care of guests in rest houses. Using (ASP).NET, WPF/XAML and SQL Server. Design and implementing infrastructur using Docker, Ansible, Ubuntu Server. Monitoring with ZABBIX, internal documentation with XWiki. Customer support and on site monitoring.

Constant Dupuis Written by:

Franco-Belgium Geek for a bit more of 4 decades and eveloper for bit less than 3 decades.